1: 1. Separate light and dark clothes 2. Use cold water for darks 3. Wash sheets separately

2: 4. Avoid overloading machines 5. Use a laundry bag for delicates 6. Don't skip sorting clothes

3: 7. Use the right detergent 8. Remove stains promptly 9. Don't mix bleach with vinegar

4: 10. Air-dry delicate items 11. Empty pockets before washing 12. Use a gentle fabric softener

5: 13. Check labels for washing instructions 14. Use a laundry timer app 15. Don't leave clothes in washer overnight

6: 16. Hang clothes immediately after drying 17. Use a laundry hamper to stay organized 18. Use color-safe bleach for whites

7: 19. Iron clothes to maintain appearance 20. Pre-treat tough stains 21. Avoid washing clothes too frequently

8: 22. Check for laundry symbols on clothing 23. Wash towels separately 24. Use dryer balls to reduce drying time

9: 25. Rotate laundry loads by fabric type 26. Use cold water to prevent shrinking 27. Don't overload dryer for faster drying